
About Corina

Dear Neighbors,
I am excited to share, I'm running for re-election, following a highly sucessful first term in local office.  
"There is so much to love about our Kenmore from our family friendly neigborhoods, to our safe connected sidewalks, bike & trail ways, parks and natural environment. All beautifully situated in our award-winning Northshore School District.
Thats why I will continue to fight four our community to ensure businesses and jobs can continue to thrive and grow sustainably in. Affordable housing, we made some important strides with affordable and work-force housing, and I will continue to fight for our community to properly obtain real affordable housing. On safe and connected walkable routs, we connected miles of new sidewalks, and connected the new bridge, but we have more to do! Thats why we must continue the good work ahead to ensure we continue to improve our connectivity with safe walkable neighborhoods connecting to our schools, parks, downtown and rapid transit - so you can walk, bike or roll, to where you need to go! Our community cares about the environment, trees, habatat restoration and climate action. We made important strides by adoptiong tree protections, a climate action plan, increased procections around envrionmentaly sensative areas and habatats to ensure salmon and our blue heron can continue to thrive; and we will continue to work together to protect maintain and preserve our parks and natrual environment for the enjoyment of future generations to come. 
Our Kenmore community counts on public health, saftey and well-being, and thats why we worked to expand our services with our Regional Crisis Responce (prior known as RADAR) to ensure a healthy ballanced aproach, we maintain safe, reliable community services and resourse you can count on in the critical times when most needed.  Crime is lower than it had been before, and we now have a Crisis Care Center, now available to serve our communitys needs at times of crisis. Now we have somewhere for people to call, somewhere to go, and the experts people need.
We care about our community in Kenmore and It takes all of us working togeteher doing our part. Thats why I will continue to work to ensure is Kenmore is a safe, welcoming, afferming community for ALL.  I am honored to ask for your Vote!
-Corina Pfeil, Kenmore Councilmember (Incumbent)

 Experienced Leadership!

Kenmore Councilmember. City of Kenmore.

Term: January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2023

December 29, 2019. Sworn-in by Supreme Court Justice Mary Yu

Committee & Board Work Experience:  Policy and governance; legislative; program development and project management; communication & outreach development; resolutions and legislative issues; policy/issue research analysis; government relations; community education and outreach; diversity, equity and inclusion; human civil rights; census, non-profit boards and executive boards,  partnership and stakeholder work.

  • Advanced Certificate of Municipal Leadership. Association of Washington Cities, 2020

  • Certificate of Municipal Leadership. Association of Washington Cities, 2020

  • Human-Centered Leadership Professional Certificate. Key Executive Leadership Programs, American University, School of Public Affairs, 2021


Current Local, Regional and National Committees

Council Appointments:

Sound Cities Association Public Issues Committee (PIC). Kenmore Alternate. (2020 – Continuing)

Eastside Transportation Committee. Kenmore Alternate. (2020 – Continuing)

Northshore Parks and Recreation Board. Kenmore Alternate (2021 - Continuing)

External Boards and Committees:

Regional King County Hazardous Waste Program MCC Board. Vice Chair. Regional King County Hazardous Waste Committee. Serving on behalf Sound Cities Association. (2022 - Continuing)

KC-YMPEP (Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program) Regional Steering Committee Member. Public Health Seattle & King County and King County Department of Community and Human Services. ( 2021)

KC –YMPEP Regional King County Procurement Process Committee. Valued Consultant. Public Health Seattle & King County; and the King County Department of Community and Human Services. ( 2021)

Northshore School District. Capital Bond Task Force. Kenmore Representative. Committee Member (2020- Continuing)

Citizens for Northshore Schools. Committee Member. (2021 - Continuing)

Eastside Pride Committee. Kenmore Representative. (2021- Present)

Federal Committees:

National League of Cities (NLC). Federal Policy Committee on Human Development. Committee Member. (2021 – Continuing)

National League of Cities - LGBTQ-LO. Executive Board. Committee. (2021. Continuing)